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Melissa Fine
Feb 18, 20223 min read
Why YOGA is not an Olympic sport...and a few other things you should know.
One of the things I always tell my students and clients is that "there is no yoga in the Olympics for a reason!" I go on to explain that...
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Melissa Fine
Jan 30, 20214 min read
When Slept was trending...
On January 21st, the word slept was trending on Twitter. Enough users posted about the quality of their night’s rest that the word was...
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Melissa Fine
Nov 30, 20202 min read
Cyber Monday! just keep reading...
So, I’ve been told countless times, by countless mentors, teachers, peers, and friends to NOT discount my services and offerings. I get...
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Melissa Fine
Sep 26, 20205 min read
How Are You? Self Care Tips to Really Find Out!
How are you? We are asked this question several times a day, and we probably answer “Fine”, or “O.K.” but is that the truth? Chances are,...
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Melissa Fine
Sep 12, 20204 min read
Anxiety Truth Bomb, my story
Next up on the blog topic list, “My Story”. Well, that’s a lot, and really could amount to a cross between a sci-fi novel and Hallmark...
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Melissa Fine
Aug 29, 20205 min read
Fill Your Cup/Fill Your Toolbox!
10 ways to fill your cup and fill your toolbox!
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Melissa Fine
Aug 15, 20206 min read
A Yogi/Mom's Essential Guide to Back to School 2020!
Whoa…this certainly was not in the manual! Back to school 2020 is confusing, stressful, worrisome and completely without a road map!
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Melissa Fine
Jul 31, 20204 min read
Why Yoga Therapy?
Yoga Therapy is an opportunity to work with and learn from a highly trained specialist, addressing your specific goals and needs.
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